

Board of Trustees

PLGIT’s Investors are the Trust. Nothing demonstrates this more clearly than its Board of Trustees. The members of the Board are nominated by the Sponsoring Associations and elected by PLGIT Investors to serve on the governing Board of Trustees.

To assure adequate representation of the interests of the various participating entities, the Trust’s nominating committee must nominate at least one candidate representing each of the following: boroughs, cities, counties, municipal authorities, school districts, townships of the first class, and townships of the second class. All Trustees must be either an elected member or full-time employee of their respective municipality or school district. Eleven Trustees currently serve on the Board:

Board of Trustees  
Kathleen DePuy, President
Borough of Whitehall
Dr. Samuel Lee, Vice President
Bensalem Township School District
Hon. Ronald E. Evanko, Secretary/Treasurer
Borough of Blairsville
Julie B. Bookheimer
Chester County 
Dennis Hameister
Harris Township  
Crandall O. Jones
Upper Darby Township 
Dana Kirk
Seneca Valley School District
Dr. Thomas A. Lesniewski
Punxsutawney Area School District
Theodore F. Poatsy Jr.
Upper Salford Township 
Ami Tarburton
North Penn Water Authority
John V. Thomas
Hampden Township  

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This information is for institutional investor use only, not for further distribution to retail investors, and does not represent an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any fund or other security. Investors should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses before investing in any of the Trust’s portfolios. This and other information about the Trust’s portfolios is available in the current Information Statement, which should be read carefully before investing. A copy of the Information Statement may be obtained by calling 1-800-572-1472 or is available on the Trust’s website at While the PLGIT and PLGIT/PRIME portfolios seek to maintain a stable net asset value of $1.00 per share and the PLGIT/TERM portfolio seeks to achieve a net asset value of $1.00 per share at its stated maturity, it is possible to lose money investing in the Trust. An investment in the Trust is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Shares of the Trust’s portfolio are distributed by U.S. Bancorp Investments, Inc., member FINRA ( and SIPC ( PFM Asset Management is a division of U.S. Bancorp Asset Management, Inc., which serves as administrator and investment adviser to the Trust. U.S. Bancorp Asset Management, Inc. is a direct subsidiary of U.S. Bank N.A. and an indirect subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp. U.S. Bancorp Investments, Inc. is a subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp and affiliate of U.S. Bank N.A.

A description of the PLGIT-CD Purchase Program is contained in the PLGIT Information Statement. The Information Statement contains important information and should be read carefully before investing. Investors may purchase Certificates of Deposit through the PLGIT CD Purchase Program only by executing an investment advisory agreement with the Trust’s Investment Adviser, U.S. Bancorp Asset Management, Inc.

SMPLGIT, PLGIT-Class Shares, PLGIT/Reserve-Class Shares, PLGIT/TERM, PLGIT-CD, PLGIT/PRIME, and PLGIT-CAP are service marks of the Pennsylvania Local Government Investment Trust.

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